Thursday, July 5, 2007

I've Moved!

Hi Everyone!

I have changed my family blog over to . Please visit me over there, as I won't be posting here. If you have me saved as a favorite or a link, don't forget to change the address! See you over at typepad!

My photography website is also up, so for all client info, please visit !

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Daddy, My Hero

On Friday night the 5 of us went to eat at TGI Fridays. We were talking and laughing, trying to keep Brooklyn entertained and Chayse in her seat when I looked over and saw something alarming. An elderly man was out of his seat, with someone from his table behind him giving him the hiemlich manuver. It was clearly not working, as this guy was just pounding away as his family became more and more upset. I turned to Justin and said "he's choking"! It took me saying this about 3 times before Justin understood what I was talking about! He jumped out of his chair and ran over to the family. He looked the man straight in the eye and said "let me try." Justin gave this elderly man the pop of his life! He gave him one big heimlich (and this was not easy because even though the man was at least 80 years old, he was very tall and solid!) and that food...well, I'll save you details but let's just say the food was no longer, um... lodged. The family rushed around the man, and Justin slipped back to our table. The manager came over to shake Justin's hand and said thank you (that poor guy was scared to death!). As people were leaving the restaraunt, several people stopped at our table and told Justin how great he was! (Must be what Brad and Angie feel like when they go to dinner:) The family came by on the way out and thanked him again for saving their Dad's life. I was so proud! And of course, Justin being the most humble person alive, just said your welcome, and made a few jokes about not wanting to meet up like that again.

He is our everyday hero. He takes out the trash, he get's the lizards off of the glue trap (free Lizzie!), he makes a mean cheesy Ramen. He loves football and ice cream. He gives us love, life, and the greatest example we could hope for. He is everything a husband and father should be, and so much more.

We love you Justin!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Shake It Like That

It was dance recital weekend! Weslie did such a great job! Her dance was to "I can shake it like that", and it was a pom/cheer routine. She smiled to the back of the room, and knew every 8 count of the whole song! She was amazing! She is such a great dancer! Now she is working on her splits so she will be able to try out for the dance team next year. She is such a little performer!

Dance Recital!

Chayse had her first dance recital this weekend! She did SO good! She was awesome! Her dance was "Me and My Teddy". There were a few hundred people in the audience, and she wasn't even scared! She sang and danced her little heart out! I was so proud, and a little (lot) teary! I just can't believe how big she is, and how wonderful and sweet and talented! I can't wait to post the video...stay tuned!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I was taking some pictures of my picture CD's (long story!), when I looked over at Chaysie next to me. She was just looking at me like this, watching me take pictures. She is just so sweet and soft. The way her little face looks when she is talking to me, it just makes my heart melt. Her whole life, she's just always been so sweet...she's just incredible. I just love her so much!

Before you think that Chayse is an angel all the time, let me tell you what happened the other night. Justin was getting her in trouble for doing something, and she was leaving the living room to go upstairs. Before dissapearing down the hallway, she turned around, and mooned Justin. I have no idea where she learned this! I burst into laughter, but it took Justin a good 10 seconds before he decided to laugh instead getting mad. It was hilarious!

Monday, May 28, 2007


The girls badly needed a haircut, so Carrie came over and made them look adorable! She does the best job cutting their hair! They both stayed really still and felt soo important! Here are a few before and afters!

Little Brookie, she didn't have any hair to cut, but she was still looking pretty darn cute!

Weslie graduates from Kindergarten tomorrow! We are so proud of her! I am sure there will be many pictures to share in the next few days.

Chaysie also has a big event happening tomorrow. Tonight she stuck out her tummy and said her 2 babies are going to born on tuesday, and their names are "Meagan and Treehouse". It should be a very exiting day! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

Thursday, May 22nd Chayse graduated from Sunnybrook preschool! She has learned so many new things this year, and had so much fun at school! We are so so SO proud of her! She is so special and smart, and we are always amazed at the new things she comes up with!

The graduation was a luau, or Loo-Ha as Chaysie called it! They learned an adorable dance to "Curly Shells" (Chayse speak again!) and all of the kids said what they wanted to be when they grow up. Chayse said she want s to be a ballerina! No suprise there! They had cute goody bags and a flower that they made, and all of the other kids put their stuff down to do the dance, but she loved her new goods so much that she wouldn't put them down! Then she finally changed her mind and joined in.

They all had snow cones and loved every minute of the loo-ha! It was such a wonderful day!

Friday, May 18, 2007

This week I noticed that there were a few pictures on my point and shoot, and what do ya know! Our Disneyland pictures! We went to Disneyland back in February, and we had a blast! The girls were finally big enough to ride lots of the rides, and brave enough to ride a few of them! We even got them to go on Pirates of the Carribean! Which Weslie has yet to forgive us for! Here are a few moments from out fun time at the happiest place on earth!

Monday, May 14, 2007

We had a really fun time at a local farm the other day. It was right before it became way too hot to deal with outside! I really wanted to get some picture of the girls in their dresses, so we went out to this beautiful place, and I was able to get these. We had such a fun day together!
So what do you guys think of my new watermark logo? I have been busy trying to design something fun! Let me know what you think!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007

I hope everyone had a happy Easter! We has a lot of fun! The girls had an egg hunt in the morning, then we went to chuch, and after that to my Mom and Dave's house for dinner. These spoiled little bunny's had another egg hunt, where they found eggs filled with candy and quarters! They are obsessed with collecting money right now! How smart was the Easter Bunny to know they would love money in their eggs? They also got a DigiMakeover from Gramma and Grandpa Dave, and Weslie said "ooh, I have wanted this for YEARS!" So dramatic! Chaysie woke up this morning and said "Is it Easter again?" I guess she had a great day! We all did!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Could she grow any faster? I keep wishing I could invent some kind of machine that could freeze time so that I could remember little moments like this...And thenI realize that's why I love photography like I do...this moment will be frozen in time forever. And someday, when she is all grown up, I will look back on this warm day in April, and my heart will fill with love all over again.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

there's no place like home

Sometimes I think about what it would be like if I could walk down the hall without tripping over someone's shoes. Or dolls. Or books. I think about how quiet it would be, how peaceful. But if it was quiet, I wouldn't hear anyone playing Magical Kingdom. And if there were no shoes in the hall, there wouldn't be any tiny feet to put in them, no loving arms to hold a baby doll, and not any giggles at the funny part of the book. Sometimes I think about if there were no dishes to do, no laundry to fold, no crumbs to sweep up. But that makes me sad, because dishes, crumbs, and laundry mean warm bodies and full tummies.
Sometimes your life doesn't turn out how you planned. Home might be different than you thought it would be. Maybe it's better. Maybe what you have now is more than you dared to dream. I guess you have to believe that there are golden roads that will lead you to your dreams. You have to be confident in your smarts, heart, and courage. You have to believe that there really is no place like home.